sharing Stories and Strategies

At the workshop “Understanding our Sensitivity” in Toronto I was struck by the wonderful stories that were shared and all the wisdom in the room. I really believe that training, awareness-raising and education is a collective venture rather than a top-down teachers to pupils thing. I love facilitating spaces where people can learn from each other and I think that telling our stories is useful both for ourselves and for those listening. It can help us realise how beautiful diversity is and how much we need it to keep evolving as individuals and as groups and communities.

It would be amazing to have a collection of stories, tips and strategies on this blog and I want to invite people to write to us.  The thought is that we will create a couple of pages where we can add things that people send to us. The focus is meant to be on being Highly Sensitive and how we live with it; it can be personal stories, description of strategies and ideas for useful activities.

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